March 9th – Les Kovacs Psalm 29
Observe: Psalm 29 is a beautiful piece of poetry celebrating the power of the Lord. It reminds us that He is the God of all creation. It invites everyone in heaven and on earth to marvel at His glory and strength and splendor and holiness and power. His voice thunders over the waters; it is powerful and majestic; it breaks the mighty cedars and flashes with lightning; it shakes the desert and strips the forests bare; and in His temple, everyone cries “Glory!” The poem closes with an image of the Lord enthroned on high as King over everything, giving blessings of strength and peace to His people. Interpret: Psalm 29 is one of the oldest Psalms ever recorded. In it King David proclaims the majesty of God, as Creator of the universe, and extolls His power over it. David uses the imagery of one of nature’s most powerful elements, the storm to convey the power of God. How appropriate that he calls it the Voice of God. We have all witnessed the fury of thunderstorms, hurricanes or tornados either in person or via newscasts. We’ve all felt the howl of the wind against the window panes, or felt it’s tug on our clothes. We’ve all felt the deep rumble of thunder in our chests as well as in our ears, and occasionally felt the primal fear that rises when the thunder crashes directly overhead. What creature on earth can stand against the hurricane? God’s might is on full display in David’s poem. And because of His might, we are to praise Him, worship Him, and adore Him. Because of His might, His people can take refuge in Him. His strength sustains His people and brings them peace. Application: When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm us, we often draw into ourselves. During these moments, we realize just how ineffectual our struggles can be when we struggle alone. David often felt those same difficult times, and they encouraged him to write some of the most poignant verses in all scripture. But he didn’t just remember the Lord when he was in need, he also remembered to praise the Lord when he was joyful. He constantly remembered who God was, and expressed his awestruck wonder at God’s holiness, power and glorious splendor. His psalm reminds us that God is the most powerful force in all creation, nothing can stand against Him. Should we fear this God? For non-believers this may be a knee-trembling fear of condemnation before a judgmental God, or perhaps it’s not even a fleeting thought until they face their own death and hope that they right all along. But for followers of Christ, is a righteous fear of humility before an awesome, living God who sits on His throne and loves His Children. His majesty and benevolence is emblazoned across all creation. He is the one, true God to whom we can turn in every circumstance of life, and know that He will graciously provide what we need, when we need it. He offers us refuge, and blesses us with His strength and peace. Prayer: Heavenly Father, we pray that you would fill us with due humility and respect toward you, the only true God. You alone can provide us with the strength and peace to face all of life’s challenges. We thank you for your great loving-kindness in all circumstances. This we pray in the merciful name of Jesus, Amen. Song: Never Let Go – Matt Redman Comments are closed.
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