The Servant King - Christmas 2016Who is Jesus Christ our King? Over the next year we will be taking a closer look at who Jesus is and what he has done for us. We begin this Christmas by considering Jesus, our Servant King, who humbled himself and was born as a child in Bethlehem to deliver his people from their sin. God almighty, who created the universe, came into the world as human being, and came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. What an example and, more importantly, what a Saviour!
Click here to listen to the Servant King Christmas sermon. |
The Saviour King - Lent 2017Our goal in 2017 is to fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith. Our Lenten sermon series, the Saviour King, is designed to help us grow in our relationship with God by taking us deeper in our understanding of his mercy and unconditional love for us as our Saviour. In this series we consider the different images of God's salvation in Psalm 107, where we see that God's people are: Lost and Found, In Prison and Set Free, Sick and Made Well, Storm Tossed and Comforted, and equipped by the Holy Spirit to live a Fruitful life in Christ.
Click to listen to the Saviour King sermon series. |
The Victorious King - Holy Week 2017In this series we continue our focus on the person and work of our King Jesus Christ. As we remember the stunning events of Holy Week - our Lord's arrival in Jerusalem when he was proclaimed King, the Last Supper with his disciples when he washed their feet, his crucifixion where he atoned for the sins of the world, and his resurrection from the dead - we proclaim the hope of the Gospel, that our Lord has conquered sin and death and has made a way for us to reign in glory with him forever. He is our Victorious King. Hallelujah!
Click to listen to the Victorious King sermon series. |
The Living King - Easter 2017In our Easter sermon series, the Living King, we explore different aspects of the Christian life and what it means to live in light of the Gospel and the victory of Christ in his death and resurrection. We will consider what it means to Live Well, to Live Openly, to Live Purposefully, to Live Lovingly, and to Live Differently as we seek to honour, serve, and follow our Living King Jesus Christ.
Click to listen to the Living King sermon series. |
The Brother King - Fall 2017In this series we will see that God's will for us is to conform for our lives to the image of Jesus Christ our Brother King. Throughout the series we will unpack the "Golden Chain of Redemption" in Romans 8; God's Foreknowledge and Predestination, which causes our Calling, Justification, and Glorification. These deep and challenging truths will bring us closer to God, and challenge us to trust him more as he transforms our lives through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Click to listen to the Brother King sermon series. |
Worship the King - Advent 2017This year we have considered the person and work of Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel. The only right and true response to these glorious truths is to worship God in and through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Worship is our response to the knowledge of God's character and his gracious gift of salvation. It is more than the songs we sing or the prayers we pray. True worship is a life surrender to God's grace and lived for God's glory. Join us as we explore what it means to Worship the King.
Click to listen to the Worship the King sermon series. |