Real God
We believe in the almighty and eternal God, Who created the universe. He exists eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God is love and created us to be in relationship with Him. God gave the first human beings free will to obey or disobey him. By choosing to directly and knowingly disobey God’s command, which is called sin, humankind became separated from God and came under his right judgment, which brings spiritual death. Because of God’s great love and mercy, He reached out to us, revealing Himself and His plan to reconcile all of creation to Himself through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. By His death on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sin. God raised him to life, defeating the power of sin and death forever. Jesus lives as King over all creation and will come again to judge all people and to renew and restore all of God’s good creation. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God offers the only way to forgiveness and eternal life with Him, as a free gift to all who believe this Good News.
Real Church
The church is not a building or an organization. Through the Holy Spirit, all people in all times and places who believe in Jesus and give their lives to Him as Lord are given new life, and adopted into God’s family. This family is the Church. Because God first loved us, we respond with love for Him and for each other. Real Church is the gathering of those who love the Lord: to worship God, to learn from the Bible, to grow together as God’s family, to support one another in community, and to continue God’s work in the world.
Real Lives
When we come to believe in Jesus our sins are forgiven and we receive eternal life. The HolySpirit is God’s constant presence in our lives. Through the Holy Spirit we grow in our knowledge of God and in a real, personal and ongoing relationship with Him. In this way we become more like Jesus. To love God is to obey Him and follow His teaching in our daily lives. God’s teaching comes to us in the Bible, which is inspired by the Holy Spirit and authoritative in our lives and the life of the church. Through the Holy Spirit, God convinces us of the truth, helps us to pray, enables us to overcome temptation and the spiritual forces of evil, gives us spiritual gifts to share, and empowers us to obey Him in doing good works and sharing His Good News with others.
Downloadable versions of our Statement of Faith are available below.
Statement of Faith - Brief Version
Statement of Faith - Long Version
Statement of Faith - Long Version with Subheadings