These questions are a follow-up to the sermon "Evangelists and the Body", preached on April 21st by Rev. Chris.
Follow up: Take time this week to write out your testimony and then become familiar with it. This practice will help you to become more prepared to share the reason for your hope in Christ. These questions are a follow-up to the sermon "Apostles and the Body", preached on April 14th by Rev. Kim Salo.
1. Read Ephesians 4:11-13. Paul calls five ministries “the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers.” Do you know of any churches that regularly exercise all five? Why do so few churches designate their ministries this way? 2. Why do so many churches drift into “only the minister does real ministry” mode? What are some ways churches can get out of the rut of “only the minister does ministry”? 3. Read Luke 6:12-16. What are some of the reasons for Jesus to pray and then choose such a wide variety of people to be his 12 apostles? Why Twelve? 4. Read I Corinthians 15:7-9. Why does the apostle Paul say, “last of all, Christ appeared to me, as one abnormally (or untimely) born.” What does he mean by “abnormally/un- timely born”? 5. If we no longer have leaders called “Apostles”, what does it mean for the church to be “apostolic”? How do we help keep a local church apostolic? What is meant at Jude 1:3 by “contend for the faith once delivered (or, entrusted) to the saints”? For your consideration, some questions from the sermon on 4/7/24
1. Do you know what gifts God has given you (spiritual, practical) to use for others’ benefit and blessing? List them and keep them to remind you. How can you use these at St. Aidan’s? Here is a list of spiritual gifts, too: Administration, Being an apostle, Discernment, Evangelism, Exhortation, Faith, Giving, Healing, Helps, Hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy, Prophecy, Serving, Speaking in tongues, Teaching (sometimes known as shepherding), Wisdom 2. How did you come to St. Aidan’s? Do you feel you’ve grown as part of the Body in that time? Talk about it! 3. What makes you uneasy about worship or prayer at St Aidan’s? Can you talk about why? Or, what makes you look forward to worship, prayer times or fellowship opportunities? 4. What did this Sunday’s sermon make you think about? Are there changes you need to make in your life? How can we become unified in Christ? |
Preachers BlogIn 2025, each week's blog is a follow-up reflection written by the preceding Sunday’s preacher to dig deeper into the sermon topic and explore engaging discussion questions. Archives
February 2025
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