We are in a climate today where many people are becoming more open to talk about God and examine their need for Him. Many are seeking answers to life in this time and are reaching out to those who believe in Jesus for counsel. As believers, we know that God is always moving and will make good out of all situations. As we attempt to look through the lens of the Kingdom, we may even get excited for what God will be doing in the midst of the tough situation we are in. However, there will always be many who will question God no matter the situation and will demand that God prove himself in the ways that they want Him to. Matthew wrote in his gospel that in the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, the religious leaders came to Jesus asking for a special sign to prove He really was the long-awaited Messiah. They were not satisfied with all the miracles and acts He had done. But Jesus knew that evidence was not the issue. We read in Matthew 12: 39-40. …but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. Using the reference to the story of Jonah, Jesus was drawing his listeners a picture that would show them exactly what He came to do. Just as Jonah was delivered from certain death, so would Jesus be delivered from the grips of death. Just as the fish could not contain Jonah and coughed Him up, so the grave would not be able to contain Jesus. Death’s claim on Jesus would have a maximum limit of three days. But unlike Jonah who ran away originally from God’s mission for Him, Jesus willingly came to accomplish His mission. And unlike Jonah, who languished in the belly of the fish, powerless to save his own life; Jesus had the authority to lay His life down and the authority to take it up again (John 10:18). Jesus gave us the sign of Jonah, the sign of a miraculous, unstoppable life and of authority over death, so that we will believe, and that by believing we will have life in his name (John 20:31). Jesus has already provided the ultimate sign for everyone. His death and resurrection have provided all we need and more. Through this sign of Jonah, we know that death has been conquered and eternal life had been won for all who believe in Him. There is no need for any more signs. As others reach out to us in this time, let us always be mindful and recognize this as an opportunity to share this sign (gospel) with all who seek for answers. Prayer – Risen Jesus, I have seen the sign of Jonah in your death and in your resurrected life. Thank you for giving me eyes to see the sign, and the faith to believe that your resurrection life is but a preview of the life you are giving to me as I place my faith in you. AMEN Comments are closed.
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