“One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.’” Psalm 27: 4 Psalm 27 (Exodus 30 - 31) Observe I thought we would step out of the main readings today and focus on the Psalm. Partly because of the connection the Psalm has with the key themes in our ongoing readings and partly because on Sunday, in my sermon, I will cover a good deal of the topics in today’s readings. Psalm 27 is listed as being one of David’s. It comes in two parts which are markedly different. The first section describes our confidence in God, our worship of Him and the blessings that flow from such a beautiful relationship. In the second part we see a prayer of seeking and of faith. They connect with our readings in Exodus in that we see forgiveness and fellowship described in both with the matter of atonement and/or salvation (Exodus 30) and the desire for God’s people to be set apart for and in a worship filled relationship (Exodus 31). Interpret As a King, David will have had many enemies, within and outside of his fold. His source of confidence, his light and salvation, came from God (vs. 1-3); why should he be afraid when God was his strength. In recognising this truth David’s desire and joy was for and in God. As a King he had power, wealth, position, status and purpose. Yet his true longing was to be with and before the Lord (the Tabernacle is even mentioned! A further connection to our Exodus readings). He wanted to worship God, gaze on His wonder, and find protection, provision and wisdom. Owning all that he did, David knew the one thing he really needed was God Almighty; that was where true riches and fulfilment were to be found (vs. 4-6). In the second part of the Psalm we see the prayer of a heart that seeks God and expresses faith. David pursues His one true Saviour knowing that God will not reject Him even if those closest to him might (his father and mother). He knows that in mercy God will hear, answer and deliver (vs. 7-10). However, David knows that he must seek God’s will and way, then he can be confident of God’s goodness, protection and provision. This may require patience and faith; waiting on God (vs.11-14) Application As we journey through the bible we see the ultimate purpose of God’s revelation of Himself; a right relationship with His creation. In this Psalm we see that in a turbulent world and in our own lives God alone is the source of our salvation and strength. The world offers much but real value can only be found in God Himself where we discover freedom, peace, truth and eternal purpose. Faith is a required for that relationship and prayer is an essential means of empowerment within it. The Question of Application Charles Spurgeon said, “Wait at His door with prayer; wait at His foot with humility; wait at His table with service; wait at His window with expectancy.” Are you prepared to wait for God and His blessings? Prayer Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, Lord, I will seek. Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Saviour but teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path. I remain confident of this: I will see your goodness in my life. Help me to wait for you Lord; cause me to be strong and take heart as I wait for you. Amen From Psalm 27 Praise Psalm 27 sung by Jonathan Ogden Comments are closed.
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