How Great is our God by Pastor Dave
“Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.” 1 John 4: 7-9 Exodus 34: 5-8 In my last couple of blogs I have talked about fixing our eyes on God, focusing on Him and so being then enabled to praise Him and step towards and into His peace. These encouragements give rise to questions such has, “How do we do that,” and “How do can we know God?” To help us answer these questions my next three blogs will focus on God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; the following three on loving God, loving neighbour and loving self. Our passage in Exodus finds Moses on Mt. Sinai receiving God’s words (the Ten Commandments) for His people. There is a powerful, extraordinary and awe inspiring scene described. God Almighty descends and passes by Moses proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin” (vs. 6). This is God Almighty: the Creator; the Father; the Judge; the All Powerful; all Holy; Eternal; and Majestic. This God descends to be in relationship with His creation to show compassion, forgiveness and love. A love that is not soppy or weak but deep, true and perfect. In our verses above we read How God demonstrated His love by blessing us with His Son Jesus, in love, that we might be enabled to enter that relationship with Him. How do we describe the indescribable, how do we know the unknowable? We describe and know God by and in LOVE. God has infinite and eternal qualities that will take us eternity to even begin to grasp with our finite minds and understanding. Enabled by the Holy Spirit we can know God and enter a relationship with Him through faith in the Lord Jesus by His grace. To know God is to know His love; to live in that relationship is to love Him in return and to love others. His revelation of Himself comes through Himself, His Son, His Written Word, His Creation and His Church, enabled by the Holy Spirit; may we have eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to understand and a desire to do so! To Ponder: Imagine yourself in the cleft of rock on Mt. Sinai as God Almighty passes by. Allow yourself to hear and meditate on His names and words, sense the awe inspired holy fear of the Great God. Then know and revel in His love and love for you. How does this sense of God effect how you see your situation and pray? Prayer: Lord how majestic is your Name, how awesome is your Power. By your Grace enable us to know you more, to receive your love and to love you in return. May our understanding of you grow, so that with Moses, all we can do is bow down and worship. Amen Praise: How Great is our God Link – The Greatness of our God Link- How Great Thou Art Link - Comments are closed.
Preachers BlogIn 2025, each week's blog is a follow-up reflection written by the preceding Sunday’s preacher to dig deeper into the sermon topic and explore engaging discussion questions. Archives
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