These questions are a follow- up from the Sermon on January 19th.
Read Luke 5: 27-32
This blog is based on Rev. Kim's sermon on "The Day of the Lord", preached on Dec. 1st.
Read 2 Peter 3:3-10 1. Why does Peter say that with God, 1000 years is like one day and one day is like 1000 years? What is Peter trying to get us to understand? 2. When you were young, what was it like to be told that you have to wait for your birthday/Christmas/graduation/when you move out from home? 3. At Revelation 21:1, the apostle John says that in his vision he "saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the new earth had passed away." Why will God do that? 4. How much warning will everyone on earth have of Christ's return? 5. According to 2 Peter 3:3-10, what is the best way to be ready for Christ's return? Bonus Question: What is the problem with these two approaches to the return of Christ: A. Churches that barely mention it? B. Churches that talk about little else? Below are the scriptures and questions that were discussed at Cafe Church this past Sunday (November 17th).
This blog is based on issues arising from Rev. Kim's sermon on Nov. 10th, Remembrance Sunday.
Read Romans 13:1-5 1. Nero Caesar reigned from 54 to 63 A.D. Paul wrote his letter to the churches of Rome in 57 or 58 A.D., probably before Nero's persecution of them. Why do you suppose Paul raised the issue of submission to civic authorities in his letter to the Roman Christians? (Hint: look at 2 Timothy 2:1-4, Titus 3:1-2, I Peter 2:13-17, Proverbs 8:15-16, Mark 12:17) 2. Do you think each and every civic authority is instituted by God? Does God grant unlimited or limited authority to earthly governments? 3. How is Romans 13:3-5 helpful for a Christian in the armed forces or a police force, who is concerned about being judged for breaking the commandment "Thou shalt not kill"? 4. Why did Jesus say, at Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God"? November 6th – Based on a sermon given November 3rd by Les Kovacs
My sermon this past Sunday focused on being missional Children of God as exemplified by the saints throughout the ages. Like many of our brothers and sisters, we may want to share our faith with others but feel unsure of ourselves, seeing several obstacles that can make it challenging. I’ve listed a few below for you to consider. 1. Fear of Rejection or Judgement
These questions are a follow-up from the Sermon “Fruitful Children” on October 27th by Rev. Chris.
Read John 15: 1-11 1. What do you think Jesus means by the word “abide” and how is that illustrated through the image of the vineyard and the gardener in this passage? Why did Jesus choose this illustration when talking with his disciples? 2. How does the image of pruning help us understand what God’s intent is with allowing us to go through difficult seasons? How do you react in times of pruning? Does this passage help you think differently about-facing affliction? 3. Jesus mentioned that when we bear fruit, we prove to be his disciples. What does bearing fruit look like and how does it glorify God (John 15:8)? What fruits of the Spirit are present in your life (Galatians 5: 22-23)? Have the inner graces of the Spirit within you produced outward fruit? 4. What is the connection between abiding in Christ and experiencing joy (John 15:11)? Is your joy complete? If not, why? This Preachers Blog is based on Rev. Kim Salo's sermon titled "What is the Spirit Saying to the Church" from Sunday, Oct. 20.
1. Read John 10:1-5,27-30. How do we know if a voice we hear is from Jesus, or some other source, whether in print, TV, social media, or spoken in our hearing? 2. When you are with someone and pray for them, what are some of the ways your prayer is guided? Which gifts of the Spirit have you used in vocal prayer for someone? 3. Which of the gifts of the Holy Spirit have you experienced as directed to your church?Think of prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, word of knowledge, miracles, healings, wisdom, discernment of spirits. 4. Why is the church's gathering for worship the ideal time to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Why is it potentially dangerous to prophesy apart from the church body? This week's Preacher's Blog is by Rev Susan Salo and is based on her sermon of October 13th, "Give Thanks".
Luke 17:11-19 1. It is said 10 men were healed but only one was saved. Discuss. 2. How does thanking God make a difference in your own everyday life? 3. The tenth leper came back to Jesus, fell at Jesus' feet and thanked him. How is this worship? 4. Jesus told the leper his faith had made him well. How? Did the other lepers who were healed have faith as well? 5. Why do you think Jesus told the lepers to go show themselves to the priests? What would change for them if they were declared healed? Based on the sermon of the same title by Lynne McCarthy, October 6/24
1. Read the passage in 1 Corinthians 12 that lists the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Then consider, have you heard any of the three gifts (wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment of spirits) being used publicly? What was your reaction? 2. From the sermon, what struck you about these gifts? Which one would you ask God’s Spirit to give you? Why? 3. Has the Lord prompted you in any way to ask for a spiritual gift, as you began to learn about them? What was your response? 4. In your group or privately, ask the Lord to provide you or members of your group with one of the gifts. The following questions are a follow-up from the Real Lives Service on September 29th.
Read Proverbs 3: 5-8
Preachers BlogIn 2025, each week's blog is a follow-up reflection written by the preceding Sunday’s preacher to dig deeper into the sermon topic and explore engaging discussion questions. Archives
January 2025
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