Activity Clipboards available for kids during summer services in July and August.
Sunday morning programming for children from September to June: We are very excited to offer a large-group worship and learning time for all of the "downstairs" ages, right after we get dismissed from upstairs, for about 10 minutes, before separating for age-group activities: NURSERY for birth to age 3. A team of volunteers cares for the wee people. YOUNG CHILDREN AND WORSHIP for age 3 to Grade 3. The programme for this age group features Bible stories told with manipulatives, response time, and a Feast. GRADE 4 to 6 STUDENTS have a brand-new interactive classroom-style curriculum. YOUTH grade 7 to 10 have a discussion-based program in the Youth Room. There is room for additional volunteers in all program levels. Contact the church office (489-3390 or click here) to become a volunteer. |